Saturday, March 7, 2015

Second Blog

I am starting a second blog for more of my art/mixed media/journal type stuff. I don't know how long this blog will be in existence or how well I will be at keeping it updated. This is just an experiment.

I went to my local Blick store today and purchased a few new things. I bought a 9x12 Canson XL Mix Media book and got a 5.5x8.5 book for free. I also purchased 2 new Derwent Inktense pencils (Dark Aquamarine, Dark Chocolate), 2 Prismacolor/premiere pencils (Burnt Ochre, Sienna Brown), a Micron 01 pink pen, some cheapy brushes, some Tombow Mono liquid glue, and some Utrecht white gesso.


  1. WooHoo! A new blog, how exciting. It was so nice to read a bit more about your life. Sounds like you are in an amazing season of life. Have fun!
