Monday, March 30, 2015


I have decided to enter a few swaps. I've done this for several reasons:
1) To share my art with others
2) To receive pieces of the artwork of others that do different things than me
3) To try different types of art techniques

I am currently in a bookmark swap and have signed up for an ATC swap. Both of these are on Art Colony. I am also in a pocket letter swap with a group of people on UStream. I have completed my bookmarks and part of my pocket letter. I am now working on the ATC swap. The ATC swap is a one color swap and each month they have a different color. You can see more information here For the month of April the color is green. I decided to do a 5.5x8.5 page and cut it down to ATC size (I should be able to get four out of it). Right now I am using paint and colored cardstock to make a background and will decide what to do next after I finish that. This is not really easy as there are limits on the colors you can use and the amount of alternate color you can use. Basically you can use different shades of the color and you can use black to outline stuff. Iam going to have to put my creativity hat on and think about this.

Here's what I have so far:

Materials used:
Folk Art: Classic Green (2554), Peridot Metallic (671), Emerald Green Metallic (653)
Apple Barrel: Holly Branch (21478), Lime Sherbet (21480)
The Paper Studio Textured Cardstock darks, lime green carcstock
Canson XL mix media 5.5 x 8.5

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